Child support is money paid by parents who do not live with their children, or who share care with someone else.
How child support works
What child support is, who can get it and the different kinds of arrangements you can use.
Knowing if you are eligible for child support
Being eligible for child support depends on whether your children qualify for child support, whether the other parent can be made liable and the amount of care you provide.
Choosing a type of child support
We can manage your child support payments through a formula assessment or voluntary agreement, or you can sort out your own payments through a private agreement with the other parent or non-parent carer.
Maintaining child support
Child support responsibilities, estimating your income and court orders.
Cancelling child support
When your child support automatically stops and when you need to cancel it.
About reviews, objections and exemptions
You can apply for a review or objection when you think we have something wrong. You can apply for an exemption from paying child support in specific situations.
Child support agreements - overseas
Find out how to apply for child support and make payments if a receiving carer or liable parent is living in another country.