GST is a tax added to the price of most goods and services, including imports.
It is a tax for people who buy and sell goods and services. You might need to register for GST if you sell goods or services. GST is charged at a rate of 15%.
What GST is
Overview of how GST works for buyers and sellers of goods and services.
Registering for GST
If you supply goods or services you might need to register for GST. Find out if you need to register and how to do it.
Charging GST
Specific accounting rules that apply to exempt, zero-rated and special supplies.
Taxable supply information for GST
How taxable supply information works.
Claiming GST
You can claim GST on supplies you receive for your business.
GST adjustments for business, private and exempt use
When you acquire a good or service, you need to make adjustments based on how much it will be used, or is available to use, in your business
Filing and paying GST and refunds
How to file your GST return, pay GST or get a refund.
Changing your filing frequency or accounting basis
You can change your GST filing frequency or accounting basis. In some situations you must change.
GST for overseas business
The GST rules for businesses that are not New Zealand residents for GST purposes (overseas businesses) depend on the circumstances of the business.
GST groups
If you have many GST-registered entities, you can form a GST group to reduce compliance costs.
When to cancel your GST registration
You can cancel your GST registration if things change in your business or organisation. In some situations you must cancel your registration.