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New Plymouth office closure | The New Plymouth office is temporarily closed for upgrades and is expected to reopen on Wednesday 12 February.

Gisborne office temporarily closed | Our Gisborne office will be closed from 12pm 14 February 2025 until 10.30am 26 February 2025. For anything urgent, you can call our contact centre.

If your client receives joint investment income, such as bank interest from a joint account with other people, our system may not allocate the correct percentage for their share of the income. For example, if the payer of the investment income only has 1 person’s details, our system will allocate 100% of the investment income to them.

For the 2021 tax year onwards, you can update the ownership percentage for your clients in myIR any time during the year, as long as there is some of this income showing already. To update this in myIR, go to your client’s Income tax account and from the Summary tab select:

  1. Earning summary – View details button
  2. Update investment percentage (under the ‘I want to…’ menu).

This will change the percentage for that client only, so you’ll need to update it for each client getting joint income from the same source.