All current KiwiSaver data, including monthly data, is available in an Excel download located on the Datasets for KiwiSaver statistics page. Annual data is due to be uploaded by 30 September.
Datasets for KiwiSaver statistics
Number of KiwiSaver closed accounts
This graph shows the number of KiwiSaver accounts that have been closed by reason as at 30 June 2024.

As at June 2024:
- 556,072 members have closed their accounts, up from 146,436 in June 2014
- 99,595 accounts have been closed due to death, up from 39,386 in June 2014
- 73,991 members have closed their accounts due to permanent emigration, up from 44,482 in June 2014
- 14,648 members have closed their accounts due to serious illness, up from 1,466 in June 2014
- 98,553 members have closed their accounts for other reasons, up from 17,314 in June 2014.
- From April 2020 KiwiSaver information is reported from a new system.
- The ‘other’ reason for closing KiwiSaver accounts primarily covers:
- invalid enrolment: customer has not met the KiwiSaver eligibility rules
- incorrect enrolment: customer meets eligibility rules but has been incorrectly enrolled.
Last updated:
30 Sep 2024