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Your portfolio investment entity (PIE) income may be taxed differently if you are not a New Zealand tax resident. 

You can be a:

  • notified foreign investor in a foreign investment multi-rate PIE
  • non-resident investor in any multi-rate PIE
  • non-resident investor in a listed PIE.

Notified foreign investors

Notified foreign investors’ investments in a foreign investment PIE can be taxed at a much lower rate. 

To be a notified foreign investor, you cannot be:

  • resident in New Zealand
  • a controlled foreign company
  • a non-resident trustee of a New Zealand trust
  • a foreign investment fund with a New Zealand resident who has an income interest of 10% or more.

Becoming a notified foreign investor 

You’ll need to tell the foreign investment PIE that you are a notified foreign investor and give:

  • your full name
  • date of birth
  • home country address
  • your IRD number equivalent (tax identification number).

A notified foreign investor can only apply to foreign investment PIEs.

Types of foreign investment PIEs

There are 2 types of foreign investment PIE – zero-rate and variable-rate.

Foreign zero-rate mainly has investments outside New Zealand. 

Notified foreign investors investing in a foreign zero-rate PIE do not have to pay us tax on their PIE investment. Foreign variable-rate may have offshore and NZ-based investments. Notified foreign investors in this type of PIE are taxed at a PIR based on their county of residence, income types and sources.

An NFI can have multiple rates at the same time.

Rates for foreign investment PIEs
Rates Situation rate can be used for
0% All offshore income.
0% An amount from a New Zealand based financial arrangement that is not interest.
0% Fully imputed dividends when 28% tax has been paid by the company paying the dividend.
1.44% Interest income that comes from a New Zealand source.
15% Unimputed dividends or the portion of the dividend from New Zealand companies if you live in a DTA country.
28% Other New Zealand income, but the PIE cannot invest in New Zealand land or get income from land, including its disposal.
30% Unimputed dividends or the portion of the dividend from New Zealand companies if you live in a non-DTA country.

What if you're not a notified foreign investor?

If you’re not a notified foreign investor, you need to advise the PIE a PIR of 28%. You cannot choose a lower rate. 

PIE income or loss may be included in your income tax assessment for the year if you become or stop being a notified foreign investor during the year and did not apply the 28% non-resident rate. 

Including income in your tax return

Income from a multi-rate PIE must be added in your non-resident tax return if you:

  • Are not a notified foreign investor and used a PIR that's not 28%
  • Are not a notified foreign investor and have been taxed at 0% (zero-rated) because you exited a multi-rate PIE during a quarter
  • Have been incorrectly treated as a notified foreign investor.

Otherwise, you can leave the income out of your return.

Last updated: 21 Feb 2025
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