What the specialists do
We have a small, specialist team whose principal objective is leveraging expertise to provide principled, practical, coordinated and consistent solutions to problems arising.
The team performs a full range of functions, including:
- maintaining a multinational enterprise database
- monitoring taxpayers
- identifying and scoping risks
- advising and assisting other Inland Revenue staff
- industry analyses and special projects
- training
- advance pricing agreements
- mutual agreement cases
- exchange of information to and from treaty partners.
Contact us
To improve our prioritisation and service to you, contact us through the following channels for advice or assistance with your transfer pricing queries.
For unilateral advance pricing agreements, including advice and arranging pre-application meetings, contact us by email or post at:
Team Manager
Technical Services
Tax Counsel Office
PO Box 2198
Wellington 6140
For bilateral or multilateral advance pricing agreements, including advice and arranging pre-application meetings, contact us by email or post at:
Competent Authority
International Revenue Strategy
PO Box 2198
Wellington 6140
For all other transfer pricing assistance, email: