Our Kaitakawaenga Māori deliver Inland Revenue services in a whānau, hapū and iwi centric way to ensure our customers have the tools to self-manage their tax affairs whether they are an individual, or in business. We also provide online webinars with information on new or recent changes impacting Māori.
You can ask for one-on-one support from our Kaitakawaenga Māori.
Te Kōhanga Reo
Getting someone to act on your behalf
Getting someone to act on my behalf
PAYE Calculators
Work out PAYE deductions from salary or wages
Taxing holiday pay
Our new pānui will provide updates to Māori on relevant tax issues and upcoming changes - so you can get all your current tax news in one place. You can view our latest pānui in response to Covid-19 here.
Last updated:
11 Oct 2024