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Tax fraud charges bring home detention

An Auckland man has been sentenced to home detention on a raft of tax fraud charges. 

Maha Nand Sami Naidu was sentenced to eleven months home detention with 6 months post detention conditions (including that he undertake budgeting/ finance advice with a provider) when he appeared in the Manukau District Court on May 2nd 2024.

Naidu was the sole director of Kitchen Building and Fitting Ltd,  a furniture making company he started in September 2013.

Naidu always showed very poor compliance with his tax obligations. Inland Revenue tried to help and talked to him about large amounts of tax owed and the large number of returns not filed. Several times, IR told Naidu about the serious criminal and civil penalties which may result.

Naidu didn’t file GST returns from 2019 to 2021 and tried to evade $321,772.30 in GST.

Between August 2019 and May 2021, Naidu also deducted $373,483 in PAYE from employees’ wages but didn’t pass it on to Inland Revenue as required.

The sentencing Judge said Naidu’s tax offending was a crime against the community and means 20 or 30 people Naidu employed missed out on their KiwiSaver contributions because of what he did.
Last updated: 14 May 2024
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