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If you’re in the property business, you may need to register for GST and charge it on your property sale.

When GST applies

Generally, you do not charge, pay or claim GST when you buy and sell property, even if a property sale is taxable.

However, GST applies if you’re GST-registered and the sale is part of your GST-registered business’s taxable activity.

This applies to both residential and commercial property sales.

When you may need to register

You may need to register for GST, and charge it on property sales, in any of these situations.

  • You're in the business of buying, selling, developing or building property.
  • You have a pattern of buying and selling properties.
  • Your turnover (all your supplies from your taxable activities except GST) is more than $60,000, including the property sales.

Learn more about turnover and when you need to register for GST.

Registering for GST
GST on property transactions

Get tax advice

When you buy a property, make sure you already know if GST will apply when you eventually sell it, as mistakes with GST can be expensive and hard to fix. We recommend you speak with a tax professional.

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Last updated: 27 Jun 2024
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