Before you start
In myIR select 'Manage my profile'
Select the 'I want to...' tab
Select 'Manage additional logons'
Select 'Add' for each additional logon
Set account access
Select 'Submit'
You’ll get an onscreen message showing you the logon name you’ve given the other person and their email address.
You’ll also be warned that the user has 30 minutes to complete their logon actions. If they do not you’ll need to resend the logon access email again.
Log in to myIR
What happens next
The person you created the logon for gets a logon access email.
They’ll have 30 minutes to follow the link in the email and set up a password for the myIR account.
Once they’ve done this they can go on and access the myIR account.
If you need to re-send the logon access email, select the ‘Resend logon access email’ link in the right-hand side of the additional logons screen in myIR. This link will only appear if the person with the new logon has not set a password and logged in.