You can update account access and permission levels for other myIR logons in your business if you have one of the following logons:
- owner
- administrator
- restricted administrator.
Go to 'Manage my profile'
Select the 'I want to...' tab
Select 'Manage additional logon'
Select the logon you want to update access for
Select the logon you want to update from the list. You only need to update logons that are not 'Owner' logons as these automatically have access to new accounts.
Select 'Change access role' to change the level of access a logon has
A list of access roles are able to be selected. You can choose from the following roles.
- Administrator - Can access any accounts the owner grants access to. They can also create logons for users and administrators and access customer level mail.
- Restricted administrator - Can access any accounts the owner grants access to. They can also create logons for users and administrators. Restricted administrators cannot access customer level mail.
- Users - can only access accounts that an owner or administrator grants access to. Users can’t access customer level mail but can view account-specific notices and letters.
- Restricted users - Are the same as users, but they can only submit account-level requests. Restricted users who are also Tax Preparers can’t link or delink customers, or make financial transfers.
Select 'Manage account access' to grant or change access for the account
Set account access
A list of all active accounts will display where you can either grant or cancel access. Only accounts you have access to with your logon will display.
When granting access to a new account you need to choose the level of permission you'd like the logon to have. There are 4 permission levels (a description of each permission level is in myIR).
- Full account access.
- Make payments.
- File.
- Read only.
Save the changes.
Log in to myIR
What happens next
The person with the logon you updated will be able to either access, or no longer access, the updated account(s) the next time they log in.
Last updated:
02 Apr 2024