Registering your client for donation tax credits
We're aware many tax agents and intermediaries are having difficulties registering their clients for Donation tax credits (DTC).
To register follow these steps:
From the intermediary centre > Select 'Client registration' > 'Register client for donation tax credit' > Enter client's IRD number and continue ...
Note: The registration cannot be done from your client's profile under the 'I want to ...' section.
Filing donation tax credit claims
- When filing a donation credit claim on behalf of a client, do this through the 'Intermediary centre' in myIR under 'Donation tax credits claim'.
- Filing through the 'Intermediary centre' means you do not have to add receipts.
- If trying to file directly through the clients REB account, you'll be asked to add receipts .
- To make a claim on behalf of clients, an intermediary only has to sight the receipts.
- You can only file a DTC claim for the past 4 years.