If your incorporated society was registered before 5 October 2023, you must reregister it by 5 April 2026 to keep your incorporated society status.
The New Zealand Companies Office has information about this change and what you need to do to reregister. It also explains what happens if you choose not to reregister or do not reregister by 5 April 2026.
New legislation for incorporated societies | Incorporated Societies
If you do not reregister
It’s important to understand what it means if your society does not reregister.
If you decide not to reregister your society but want to keep operating, you will need to apply for a new IRD number. This is because when a society is deregistered, it loses its legal status as an incorporated body and will be treated as a new entity for tax purposes.
If your society is registered for GST or as an employer, you’ll need to ask us to transfer the registrations. You’ll also need to reapply for any income tax exemption or deduction as a not-for-profit organisation.
Reregister your incorporated society to keep your IRD number