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Tax professionals represent many of our customers. So it makes sense to work in partnership with them.

We have regular meetings with different groups of tax agents and professional bodies. We share what we’re doing to ensure compliance with customers' tax obligations, and find out how we can assist them with their clients in these areas.

We're empowering you as tax professionals to manage your clients' tax affairs in addition to filing their returns. Our software integration with existing business systems helps with this as you’re getting a comprehensive view of your clients' situation. Instalment arrangements are far easier to set up, and we promote the COVID-19 relief provisions for clients that need them. This makes it easier for you to have conversations around debt management with your clients.

We keep in constant contact with the tax professional community during times of change, and what it means for you and your clients. This has been especially frequent during our recent computer system changes and COVID-19. We run seminars for you in person, and also online.

Last updated: 07 Apr 2021
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