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Developing our roadmap

Our journey to develop this roadmap has been supported through engagement with a range of stakeholders; this includes:

  • our 3 unions (PSA, Taxpro and NUPE) with on-going significant support from PSA Rūnanga and Tagata Moana Delegates and Taxpro representatives from Māori and Pasifika communities
  • whānau Māori members from across Inland Revenue
  • leads and members of our people networks (Tagata Pasifika, Wāhine Tūhono – Women’s Network, He Toa Takitini - Rainbow Network, Diversability Network and Multicultural Network)
  • senior leaders and business partners
  • representatives of business groups who provide or support services that enable our diversity equity and inclusion goals.

Understanding our people’s experiences

When developing our 2022/23 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion roadmap, we committed to understanding the experiences of Māori and Pacific peoples, in terms of developing careers and the barriers that have been faced.

Through this on-going kōrero and kanohi-ki-te-kanohi (face-to-face) engagements Māori and Pacific People have shared their experiences and insights. We have worked in partnership to establish the actions that will create a positive impact on Māori and Pacific representation, and in turn reduce the pay gaps.

This Diversity, Equity and Inclusion roadmap responds to the insights we have gathered from our people to identify tangible actions that can bring meaningful change for our Pacific People, as well as other underrepresented communities at Inland Revenue.

Alongside this roadmap, is a focus on Māori representation – this includes the actions and activities specifically focused on enabling meaningful change in Māori representation.

Last updated: 03 Jan 2024
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