All current KiwiSaver data, including monthly data, is available in Excel downloads located on the Datasets for KiwiSaver statistics page. Annual data is due to be uploaded by 30 September.
For year-to-year comparisons, please refer to the annual Excel download located on the Datasets for KiwiSaver statistics page.
Datasets for KiwiSaver statistics
Amount of KiwiSaver fund withdrawals, by region, for the year ended 30 June
Region | Significant financial hardship | First home purchase |
Other | $3,739,900 | $7,001,300 |
Auckland | $132,346,200 | $474,699,500 |
Bay Of Plenty | $17,467,000 | $79,475,500 |
Canterbury | $29,190,500 | $198,780,800 |
Gisborne | $3,017,700 | $11,077,600 |
Hawkes Bay | $10,316,900 | $45,703,100 |
Manawatu-Whanganui | $14,077,600 | $62,908,600 |
Marlborough | $1,982,700 | $10,345,800 |
Nelson | $2,101,700 | $11,543,200 |
Northland | $10,958,300 | $32,847,400 |
Otago | $7,318,300 | $63,537,900 |
Southland | $3,831,900 | $26,469,700 |
Taranaki | $6,333,200 | $28,300,500 |
Tasman | $1,873,000 | $12,357,200 |
Waikato | $28,116,800 | $121,546,300 |
Wellington | $26,484,400 | $178,462,600 |
West Coast | $1,358,700 | $7,637,300 |
Total | $300,514,800 | $1,372,694,300 |
- Figures are rounded to the nearest $100.
- Other contains members without a valid New Zealand post code.
- Figures have been provided by scheme providers to Inland Revenue and may not be 100% of all of these type of fund withdrawals.
- These figures do not cover all types of withdrawals. For example, Inland Revenue does not capture retirement withdrawals.
- Totals may not equal the sum of the cells due to rounding.
Number of KiwiSaver fund withdrawals, by region for the year ended 30 June
Region | Significant financial hardship | First home purchase |
Other | 380 | 170 |
Auckland | 14,140 | 12,080 |
Bay Of Plenty | 1,960 | 2,240 |
Canterbury | 3,190 | 5,620 |
Gisborne | 350 | 310 |
Hawkes Bay | 1,190 | 1,260 |
Manawatu-Whanganui | 1,570 | 1,840 |
Marlborough | 210 | 310 |
Nelson | 260 | 340 |
Northland | 1,150 | 950 |
Otago | 840 | 1,830 |
Southland | 480 | 820 |
Taranaki | 670 | 840 |
Tasman | 180 | 360 |
Waikato | 3,090 | 3,460 |
Wellington | 2,680 | 4,310 |
West Coast | 140 | 230 |
Total | 32,480 | 36,960 |
- ‘Other’ contains members without a valid New Zealand postcode.
- Figures have been provided by scheme providers to Inland Revenue and may not be 100% of all of these type of fund withdrawals.
- Figures do not cover all types of withdrawals. For example, Inland Revenue does not capture retirement withdrawals.
- Figures are rounded to the nearest 10.
- Totals may not equal the sum of the rows due to rounding.
- The totals represent a distinct count of members.
- The totals include a small number of members who withdrew funds under both categories during the year.
Last updated:
30 Sep 2024