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Inland Revenue (IR) administered tax revenue and net Customs GST in the year to June 2024 totalled $127.8 billion, an increase of 7.9% since the year to June 2023.

this graph is a stacked line graph that shows the total amount of tax revenue collected for taxes on individuals, GST, taxes on companies and duties and other revenues. On the vertical axis is the total taxes collected in $ billions. The horizontal axis shows the years to June from 2001 to 2023. Between 2001 and 2023 the total IR collected tax revenue and net Customs GST increased from $34.0 billion to $118.5 billion. Taxes on individuals increased from $18.1 billion to $58.4 billion, taxes on companies increased from $5.7 billion to $19.7 billion, while GST increased from $9.9 billion to $39.9 billion. The amount of revenue raised from duties and other revenue has increased from $0.3 billion to $0.5 billion. 

Between 2002 and 2024, total IR tax revenue and Customs GST has grown by 260% from $35.5 billion in the year to June 2002 to $127.8 billion in the year to June 2024. Growth has occurred in:

  • Net GST from both administering agencies, which was up 292% from $10.6 billion in the year to June 2002 to $41.7 billion in the year to June 2024.
  • Taxes on companies, up 292% from $5.4 billion in the year to June 2002 to $21.2 billion in the year to June 2024.
  • Taxes on individuals, up 236% from $19.1 billion in the year to June 2002 to $64.4 billion in the year to June 2024.
  • Duties and other revenue, up 81% from $0.3 billion in the year to June 2002 to $0.5 billion in the year to June 2024. 
Last updated: 05 Nov 2024
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