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Registering for Working for Families More information

Audio and visual transcript

Scene 1


The title Registering for Working for Families Tax Credits is displayed.

A family of 2 parents and 2 children is shown in a living room, with 2 circles either side. One circle has Inland Revenue written in it, the other has Work and Income.

The family slides to the right under Work and Income, indicating they’re getting a main benefit and their Working for Families from them.

The family then slides to the left under Inland Revenue, indicating they’re getting their Working for Families from us.

The circles disappear and the family slides to the centre of the screen.



Easy listening and joyful music plays throughout the entire video.


Working for Families payments can be made by either Work and Income or Inland Revenue.

If you get a main benefit from Work and Income, they can make your Working for Families payments and you don’t need to register with us.

If you’re not getting a main benefit from Work and Income, you’ll get Working for Families payments from us.

Scene 2


The myIR logo appears in a circle to the right of the family.

A circle with a question mark appears above each family member, this is then replaced by an IRD number image.

The IRD number images are replaces by crosses, indicating no-one has an IRD number.

An internet browser appears with the myIR logo as the family fades out. A verification tick pops up at the top right of the screen.

Our web address is displayed.

The SmartStart web address is displayed.



To register for Working for Families payments, myIR is the simplest, fastest way to go.

You’ll need some details to complete your registration.

If you want to get payments from Inland Revenue, you’ll need IRD numbers for you, your partner, and your children.

If you don’t have an IRD number for your child, you can still get Working for Families payments for up to eight weeks, to give you time to provide this information to us.

If you, your partner or your child don’t have an IRD number, you’ll need to apply.

This can be done online through myIR with document verification at an AA driver licensing agent.

There is further information on to help you through this process.

You can register your child’s birth and apply for their IRD number at the same time through

Scene 3


An internet browser is displayed with a 1 on it.

A Working for Families registration appears on the screen, a dollar sign appears on it.

Icons for child support and income are displayed.

A magnifying glass appears with the words Before-tax Income in the middle of the glass.

Our web address is displayed.

A calendar appears indicating you can get Working for Families weekly or fortnightly.

The internet browser turns green with a big tick indicating the registration is complete.



You only have to register for Working for Families once.

When you’re registering for Working for Families, you’ll also need to estimate your family income for the tax year, including any child support you receive or pay privately.

If you have a partner, you’ll need to include their income too.

We’ll need your before-tax income from 1 April to 31 March.

For more information on how to estimate your income, visit

If you’re registered for myIR, we’ll fill in some information we already know about to make this easier for you.

You must also provide your bank account number and let us know if you want to get Working for Families payments weekly, fortnightly or as a lump sum at the end of the tax year.

Ok, that’s your registration done.

Scene 4


The family is back, a Notice of entitlement appears to the right of them.

The words AMOUNT and PAYMENT DATE are highlighted indicating these need to be checked. Ticks appear next to them.

A circle appears with rotating arrows around it. A dollar sign appears and is then replaced by 2 people. These indicate changes we need to know about.



Once your registration has been processed, we’ll send you a Notice of Entitlement.

It will tell you how much your payments will be and when you can expect your first payment.

Make sure the details on your notice are correct to ensure you aren’t underpaid or overpaid.

Remember to tell us straight away about any changes to your family’s income or circumstances like someone getting a raise at work or someone moving out.

Scene 5


A seesaw appears as a number of circles with question marks drop onto the left side. This is the Working for Families received during the year.

A number of circles with dollar signs drop onto the right side, tilting the seesaw to the right. This is the income the family earned during the year.

A dollar circle moves to the question mark side, evening the seesaw out and showing some Working for Families needed to be paid back. The dollar circle that moved disappears.

A question mark circle moves to the dollar sign side showing the family did not get enough Working for Families so more was paid out.

The video ends with our web address displayed, which is then replaced by the Inland Revenue | Te Tari Taake logo.



Through the tax year, the first of April till thirty-first of March, you get Working for Families payments based on how much you and your partner expect to earn that year.

Then, around June July when we have your and your partner’s income details, from employers or tax returns, we compare it against the amount your family actually earned to work out if you got the correct amount of Working for Families weekly or fortnightly payments.

This is what we call a square up, comparing how much you got based on your expected income to how much you should’ve got based on your actual income.

If you got too much, you’ll have to pay some back.

If you didn’t get quite enough, you’ll get some more.

To find out more about keeping us updated throughout the year and the end of year square up, visit

Last updated: 28 Apr 2021
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