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Here are some common reasons why your child support payments or entitlement might have changed under the formula assessment.

A child turns 13

Since teenagers cost more to raise than younger children, your child support amount will likely change when a child turns 13. This includes:

  • qualifying children – who child support is paid for
  • dependent children – who live with a parent, but child support is not paid for them.

We cannot tell you about changes to the other parent’s dependent children.

Child’s age and related spending levels

A parent's income drops

If a parent’s income drops by at least 15%, they can estimate their income and change their child support amount. For example, a parent gets a new job on a lower wage, has less hours, or is made redundant.

Generally, we cannot tell you about changes to the other parent’s income.

About income estimations

A child changes care

A child support amount may change if:

  • you or the other parent has a new baby
  • your dependent child comes to live with you, or moves out
  • the other parent’s dependent child comes to live with them, or moves out
  • your shared care arrangements change
  • either parent starts paying or receiving child support for another child from a different relationship. 

Sharing care of children
How formula assessments work

An older child stops qualifying

Child support stops for a child when:

  • they start full-time work
  • they get married, or begin a marriage-like relationship
  • they turn 18 and are no longer at high school.

We may tell you that a child no longer qualifies, but to protect their privacy, we may not be able to tell you exactly why.

Read more about qualifying children and when child support stops.

Can you get child support?

We keep information private

If your child support changes because of a change in the other parent’s situation, we may not be able to tell you exactly what has happened. To protect their privacy, we can only tell you that there has been a change, and what your new child support amount is.

We'll give you the same respect if your situation changes.


Last updated: 17 Jul 2024
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