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A pre-revenue business or organisation is one that has taken active steps to get market-ready, but has not begun trading yet.

They may be eligible if both of the following apply.

  • They have had a minimum 30% drop in their ability to raise capital over a 7-day affected revenue period (7 days in a row) because of an increased alert level.
  • They meet the other RSP eligibility criteria.

Capital raising includes external funding raised by these businesses or organisation to get market-ready. External funding includes:

  • debt funding (for example, bank funding and debt funding from external investors)
  • equity funding
  • grant funding
  • fit-out contributions (for example, a landlord may contribute to assist in getting an applicant's business market ready).

Capital raising does not include:

  • funding a self-employed person provides to their own sole trader business
  • funding a shareholder (or other associated person) in a close company provides to that company. This point also applies to funding associated persons provide to other types of closely held business or organisations
  • Covid-19 related government assistance payments (for example, the Small Business Cashflow Scheme loan).

Pre-revenue businesses or organisations will need to keep records of how their ability to raise capital or begin trading was affected by the raised alert level.

When a person is an 'employee' for the purposes of the RSP scheme

Last updated: 10 Nov 2021
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