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GST is a 15% tax added to the price of most goods and services in New Zealand, including imported goods and services. Anyone registered for GST must file returns. 

Filing GST through our gateway services

The GST application programming interface (API) lets businesses:

  • file returns in real time
  • amend returns
  • retrieve a return due date
  • query return status
  • retrieve previously filed returns.

When a GST return is filed, the difference between the amount of GST collected and paid needs to be worked out. Any software built will need to include this function.

Take a look at our GST software developer kit (SDK) or find out more about GST and the filing requirements.

GST software developer kit (SDK) on GitHub

GST (Goods and services tax)

Gateway service capability for GST

The gateway service used for GST is the return service. It provides the following capabilities through defined service operations:

Service operation Description
Prepop Provides information in prepopulated fields.
File Lets customers file a GST return and amend previously filed returns.
RetrieveStatus Provides the processing status of previously filed GST returns.
RetrieveReturn Provides a copy of previously filed GST returns.
RetrieveFilingObligation Provides the next due date for GST returns.

GST business use cases 

The following are examples of sequences of the gateway return service operations that could be used to achieve a specific business outcome.


  • Gateway service operations: RS = Retrieve Status, RR = Retrieve Return, RFO = Retrieve Filing Obligation
  • The numbers for each use case are the order in which these operations should be called when using this services.
Use case Gateway service operation
File Prepop RS RR RFO
1. File a GST return 2 1
2. Retrieve the status of previously filed GST returns and next filing obligation     1 2
3. Retrieve filed GST returns 1
4. Amend and file GST returns 2 1  
Last updated: 31 May 2024
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