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Takapuna office closure | Takapuna office closure. The Takapuna office is relocating to a new address so will be closed from 22 November 4pm to 26 November 4pm. From 27 November you can find the new office at: 74 Taharoto Road Smales Farm, One NZ Building, Takapuna.

Some services unavailable 23 - 24 November | myIR, gateway services and our self-service phone line will not be available from 3pm Saturday 23 November to 9am Sunday 24 November while we do planned system testing. This will not affect any tax entitlements or payments scheduled during this time.

Divide the payment between pay periods

Divide the lump sum payment across the pay periods it relates to reflect the employee's regular hours of work.

Calculate PAYE on the holiday pay

Calculate the PAYE on the holiday pay for each pay period.

Add the PAYE for all pay periods to find the PAYE amount to withhold from the holiday pay lump sum payment.

5 minutes
PAYE deductions from salary or wages calculator

Employers and employees can work out how much PAYE should be withheld from wages.

Go to this tool

Calculate PAYE on the total paid

If the employee received salary or wages as well as holiday pay during a pay period, add these together for each pay period. Calculate the PAYE due on the total amount they were paid in each pay period.

To find the PAYE amount to withhold from the employee’s salary or wages, deduct the PAYE withheld from the holiday pay in each pay period from the PAYE due on the total amount paid in that pay period.

Last updated: 18 Jun 2021
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