Income tax Dates
JAN 28AIM instalments are due if you file GST monthly and have a March balance date.
FEB 7End-of-year income tax and Working for Families bills are due, unless your tax agent has an extension of time to file your income tax return.
FEB 28Provisional tax payments are due if you have a March balance date and use the ratio option.
If your group of companies wants to form an imputation group, they'll need to send us a completed Elect to form an imputation group - IR473 form.
Check your eligibility
Gather your information
For each company or consolidated group you'll need the:
- name
- IRD number
- current imputation credit account (ICA) balance.
Fill in the form
All companies who'll be part of the imputation group need to fill out the Elect to form an imputation group - IR473.
If there are more than 3 companies forming the group, we'll need a completed IR473 for each of them.
Australian companies must also fill out the Trans-Tasman imputation election form - IR488.
Send it to us as a message in myIR
Log in to myIR
You can also send your return by post to:
Inland Revenue
PO Box 39090
Wellington Mail Centre
Lower Hutt 5045
New Zealand
What happens next
We'll send you an IRD number once we've processed the application.