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Your tax code depends on your situation. Find out about tax codes for your situation or use the tool to work out which code is right for you.

Find out the right tax code to use

Use this tool to find out the right tax code for your situation.

Complete your tax code declaration

You can also use the flowchart on the IR330 Tax code declaration form to help you work out which tax code to use

Complete my tax code declaration 

Tax codes for common situations

You only have 1 main income, which is your highest income source. All other income is secondary income. Any tax code you select is based on the type and level of your expected annual income. 

Also, you may need to choose a new tax code if things change during the year. For example: 

  • you take out a student loan or pay it off 
  • you have a change in expected annual income 
  • you change jobs or start a second job. 

About tax codes
Secondary tax codes

You’re getting paid parental leave payments (PPL)

If you’re getting PPL you choose a tax code just as you would with any other source of income. 

Paid parental leave overview 

You have a student loan

If you have a student loan, you choose a tax code that tells your employer to deduct your repayments. Once you’ve paid off your loan, you need to choose a new tax code and tell your employer what it is.

You’re getting ACC payments

If you’re getting ACC, you choose a tax code just like with any other source of income. Depending on how much you’re getting, ACC could be your main or secondary source of income.

Your tax code with your employer may change depending on how much ACC pays you.

You’re getting schedular payments

Use the WT tax code for income from schedular payments.

Schedular payments

You’re a casual agricultural worker

Use the CAE tax code if you are only doing casual agricultural work.

Casual agricultural workers do casual seasonal work on a day-to-day basis for up to 3 months. They earn no other income in this time. This group includes shearers and shearing shed-hands.

You’re a recognised seasonal worker

Use the NSW tax code if you’re a recognised seasonal worker or hold a work visa as foreign crew of a vessel fishing New Zealand waters.

Dividends and interest

You do not need a tax code for dividends or interest. Your payer will deduct resident withholding tax (RWT) for you.

Resident withholding tax RWT

You’re helping with election day work

Use the EDW tax code for income from temporary work during a general election in New Zealand. The EDW tax code covers the 2-week period of advanced voting and election day. If you are working on the election outside this period, use the tax code best fits your circumstances as set out in the IR330.

You’re receiving money from MSD

Are you receiving a main benefit from MSD? The income portion of an income tested benefit from MSD is always coded as M. This means any other income must have a secondary tax code.

If you receive NZ Super

If you receive NZ Super, you can change your tax code through the Ministry of Social Development's website.

Changing your tax code for NZ Super and Veteran's Pension

Last updated: 25 Feb 2025
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