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We work out your income tax for you if we have all your income information for the tax year – 1 April to 31 March. This income tax assessment shows if you are due a refund, have a tax bill or have paid the right amount of tax.

Who gets an income tax assessment

We’ll send you an income tax assessment if your only income is salary, wages or investment income that’s already taxed, like bank deposits or savings interest.

This includes income from:

  • portfolio investment entities (PIEs) like KiwiSaver
  • NZ Superannuation
  • schedular payments for contractors
  • income-tested benefits like the Jobseeker or Sole Parent Support
  • interest or dividends
  • taxable Māori authority distributions
  • benefits under an employee share scheme (ESS) – where your employer offers you shares in the company as part of your pay.

We may ask you for more information before we confirm your assessment.

Income tax assessment - more information required

Tell us if details are wrong

You’ll need to tell us if any of the details on your assessment are wrong.

Change my income tax assessment details

Refunds, tax bills and write-offs

Your income tax assessment will show if you’ve paid the right amount of tax, if you are due a refund or if you have more tax to pay. In some cases, we can automatically write off the amount you owe.

Refunds and tax bills
Automatic write offs

Need help with your assessment letter?

We explain tax terms that might appear in your income tax assessment letter.

Understanding your income tax assessment letter

Last updated: 10 Sep 2024
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