Income tax Dates
Work out your tax rate
You can:
- use the standard schedular payment tax rate by following the flow chart in the form
- apply for a tailored tax rate, or
- choose your own rate.
If you choose your own rate it must be at least 10%. If you are a non-resident on a temporary work or entry visa it must be at least 15%.
You can use our tax rate estimation tool to help work out your own tax rate for schedular payments.
This tool has been updated with the tax changes for the year ending 31 March 2025.
10 minutes
Fill in the form
Download the Tax rate notification IR330C form. Or you can get one from the person who is paying you.
You will need your IRD number.
Hand your form in
Give the completed form to the person who pays you.
Your responsibilities
You need to tell the person who pays you if your tax code changes.
Last updated:
22 Jul 2024