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As a non-resident taxpayer, you'll generally pay tax on income you earn from New Zealand sources.

If you do not know your tax residency status, you'll need to work it out. 

Tax residency status for individuals

Applying for an IRD number

An IRD number is a tax identification number that you'll need in most cases if you're earning income in New Zealand.

It allows you to pay the right amount of tax from the start instead of higher 'no-notification' rates.

About tax codes

How types of income from New Zealand sources are taxed

As noted above, being a non-resident taxpayer, you'll generally pay tax on income you earn from New Zealand sources.

If you pay tax on the same income in two countries, you'll usually be eligible for a foreign tax credit.

Double tax agreements

If your country or territory has a double tax agreement with New Zealand, it may affect how your New Zealand income is taxed.

Double tax agreements (DTAs)

Common types of income and exemptions

We've described some common types of income and exemptions in the following list.

International tax can be complex and you may want to consult a tax professional if you're in doubt about your situation.


If you're an employee, your New Zealand employer will deduct tax each time you're paid. This is called 'pay as you earn' (PAYE) and covers your income tax and an ACC earners' levy, New Zealand's accident insurance scheme.

When you start working in New Zealand, you’ll need to give your employer your IRD number and tax code.

  • You provide this information on an IR330 form.
  • If you do not give this information to your employer, you'll be taxed at a higher rate.
  • If you are leaving New Zealand permanently before the end of the tax year your tax position may be able to be finalised. Contact us to discuss your situation.

Keep in mind that if you're in New Zealand for more than 183 days in a 12-month period, you'll become a New Zealand tax resident. This status is backdated to the first of those days.

Also be aware that your immigration status may not allow you to work in New Zealand. However, you still must pay tax if you do work illegally.

You can work out your tax code with our online tool or in the Tax code declaration - IR330 form.

Work out my tax code

There are special rules which apply to certain non-resident taxpayers. These rules may, for example:

  • exempt certain income if the conditions are met
  • set a special tax rate.

You can find out more about the following types of non-resident taxpayers. Their links are listed after the introduction on the 'Non-resident taxpayers' page.

  • Diplomatic personnel
  • Experts and trainees visiting from overseas
  • Non-resident contractors
  • Non-resident crews of visiting pleasure craft
  • Non-resident employees
  • Non-resident entertainers and sportspeople
  • Overseas fishing crew working in New Zealand
  • Recognised seasonal employer (RSE) workers.

Non-resident taxpayers

If you're getting interest, dividends or royalties from a New Zealand source, you'll probably pay non-resident withholding tax (NRWT) on this income. In the case of interest, you may choose to pay the approved issuer levy (AIL) instead.

  • If the correct rate of NRWT or AIL has been deducted and it's your only income, then you will not need to file a tax return.
  • If the wrong amount of NRWT is deducted, you'll need to include the income in a tax return.

AIL is a levy of 2% instead of NRWT on certain debt. As a levy, you probably will not be able to claim it as a credit in your country or territory of tax residence, but it may be of use where you're not taxed on that interest.

There are default rates of NRWT, but if New Zealand has a double tax agreement (DTA) with your country or territory of tax residence, the rate will often be lower.

Note that different rules apply if you invest in a portfolio investment entity (PIE). See our guidance for PIEs in this list.

A portfolio investment entity is an entity which invests contributions from its investors in different passive investments. Non-resident taxpayers have a prescribed investor rate (PIR) of 28%.

However, if you become a notified foreign investor (NFI), you'll be able to invest in zero-rate or variable-rate PIEs and pay a lower rate.

If you stop being an NFI, you should consult the guide for PIEs - IR860.

Portfolio investment entities for non-residents

If you're a non-resident taxpayer and have settled a trust overseas which has a New Zealand resident trustee, there is a special disclosure regime. If you do not meet the requirements of that regime, the exemption for foreign-sourced income will be lost.

Foreign trusts with New Zealand resident trustees

If you're a non-resident beneficiary of a trust with income from New Zealand sources, you'll be taxed on any income and distributions you get from the trust.

  • You'll need to check with the trustee to see if they deducted the tax for you.
  • You may need to file a tax return depending on the type of income you get from the trust and complete an IR307 form if that income is from a foreign or non-complying trust.

A profit made from selling a property in New Zealand may be taxed if you intended to sell it when you bought it.

There is also a bright-line test that taxes any profit on the sale of a residential property if it is sold within a set period of time, unless an exclusion or rollover relief applies. This is called the bright-line period.

For residential property sold on or after 1 July 2024, the bright-line test looks at whether your bright-line end date is within 2 years of your bright-line start date. The start date is usually the date the property’s title is transferred to you and the end date is usually when you entered into a binding sale and purchase agreement to sell. 

For residential property sold before 1 July 2024, your profit may be taxable if the property was acquired on or after 29 March 2018 and sold within 5 years. A property is generally acquired on the date a binding sale and purchase agreement is entered into.

If it is taxable, you’ll need to complete a Bright-line residential property sales information form - IR833 and include any profit in your tax return.

If you're an offshore person, you may need to have residential land withholding tax (RLWT) deducted from the sale. You can claim this amount as a credit when you include the profit in your tax return.

Buying and selling property

Any rental income you earn in New Zealand is taxable. You'll need to include this in your tax return and keep detailed receipts and records for any expenses you claim.

You may need to deduct non-resident withholding tax (NRWT) if you financed the property with certain debt from overseas. We recommend consulting a tax professional.

Non-residents renting out New Zealand residential property

Filing a tax return as a non-resident taxpayer

You may need to file a Non-resident individual tax return - IR3NR to report your ongoing income from New Zealand sources after you have left New Zealand. However, you do not need to file if your only income is either:

  • exempt
  • from interest, dividends and royalties and tax has been deducted correctly. 

Complete my non-resident individual tax return - IR3NR

If you become a New Zealand tax resident during the tax year, you'll need to file an Individual tax return - IR3.

You'll need to show the breakdown between the New Zealand income you earnt as a non-resident taxpayer and your worldwide income as a New Zealand tax resident.

Complete my individual income tax return - IR3

Last updated: 18 Feb 2025
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