Te whakapiki i taku pūtea KiwiSaver
Growing my KiwiSaver account
To grow your KiwiSaver account, you and your employer contribute. You can also make voluntary contributions. Your employer must contribute the minimum of 3% of your before tax pay unless they are already contributing to another superannuation fund.
If you're paying your KiwiSaver contributions through us, you can:
- use the ‘Pay tax’ option and select 'KiwiSaver' through your internet banking
- set up an automatic payment.
The government will add to your savings each year if you contribute and meet certain requirements.
Investment returns
Your KiwiSaver provider will use the contributions added to your account to invest in different kinds of investments.
The investments will have different amounts of risk depending on what type of fund you have chosen. The investments can create potential returns which will help grow your KiwiSaver.