Te tono whakatārewatanga penapena
Apply for a savings suspension
If you want a break from making KiwiSaver contributions, you can take a savings suspension.
If you've been a contributing member of KiwiSaver for 1 year or more, you do not need to give a reason for wanting a savings suspension.
If it's an early request, we need evidence of financial hardship.
Before you start
You'll need your:
- IRD number, address and contact details
- employer's business or trade name
- employer's name and address
- evidence of financial hardship if you have not been a KiwiSaver member for 1 year.
In myIR, go to your KiwiSaver account panel
This is on the homepage once you've logged in.
Select 'Apply for a savings suspension'
Follow the prompts to complete your application
Log in to myIR
If you do not have a myIR account, you can request a savings suspension through our online service.
What happens next
The savings suspension begins on the date we approve your request.
We will send you a notice with the start and end dates of your savings suspension. Show it to your employer.
Your responsibilities
Hold on to your notice. If you change jobs, you'll need to show it to your new employer.
If you do lose it, either print off a copy from myIR or contact us to reissue it.
If you gave us your employer's details, we'll send them a notice in the mail too.
We'll let you know when you're near the end of your savings suspension. If you do not apply for another suspension, we'll ask your employer to start deductions again.