You need to take action now if you:
- have been the victim of a scammer and have given away personal information
- suspect your identity has been stolen or your IRD number misused.
There are 2 steps:
Call us
When you call, we’ll:
- verify your identity
- set up voice ID to access and protect your account
- work out what your IRD number may have been used for
- help you fix any incorrect returns or debt on your account.
Speak with iDcare
We’ll transfer you to iDcare, or you can call them yourself.
When you speak with iDcare they’ll help you:
- work out how to respond to the scam
- work out how to protect your personal information in the future.
You can call them directly on 0800 121 068 between 10am and 7pm, Monday to Friday.
Contact the Commerce Commission
You can contact the Commerce Commission to let them know of a scam.
Information on how to do this is found on their website.
Commerce Commission - Scams (
What happens next
You can find more information on how to identify and respond to identity theft and scams at:
The Department of Internal Affairs
Commerce Commission - Scams (
Tell us about a scam
If you received a suspicious email, text or phone call but did not click on any links or give away any personal information, tell us about the scam.