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You may need to pay tax on a property sale if you’re associated with someone in the property business, even if you’re not personally a property dealer, developer or builder.

For example, if you hold shares in a property development company, the specific rules covering buying and selling in those situations may also apply to you.

Property dealers, developers and builders

Past associations

The same rules apply if you were associated with:

  • a property dealer or developer when the property was bought
  • a builder or person in the building business when improvements started on the property.

Who’s associated

You can be associated with a person, for example a family member, or with an organisation like a company or trust.

For property transactions, you’re only associated with your children if they’re under 20.

Read more about different types of associated persons and how they may apply to your property sale.

Associated persons

Get professional advice

Speak with a tax professional if you’re not sure if you, or someone you’re thinking of doing business with, is an associated person for tax purposes.

Our property tax guide

For more information and examples, read our guide Tax and your property transactions - IR361.

Questions and answers are also available in different language versions.

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Last updated: 08 May 2024
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