When you're working for a charity overseas, you can apply to keep your student loan interest-free for up to 24 months.
You'll be treated as though you're still in New Zealand.
Qualifying for an interest-free student loan
To qualify:
- the main reason you travelled overseas must be for volunteer work (or work for a token payment)
- your overseas volunteer work must be for an approved charitable organisation.
The organisation that you’re volunteering for must either:
- be on the approved charitable organisations list at the time we grant the application
- have been on the list when you did the work, if you've completed it.
You can apply if the work you do is to relieve either:
- poverty
- hunger
- sickness
- the impacts of war
- the impacts of a natural disaster.
You can also apply if the country you work in is on the OECD list of countries receiving development assistance, and you're working to either:
- improve the economy
- raise educational standards.
Approved charities for interest-free student loans
Letter from your charity
If your organisation is on our list of approved charities, you'll need a letter from them confirming your details and the kind of work you do for them. Find more information on 'Volunteering overseas when I have a student loan'.
Last updated:
27 Jun 2024