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If you do overseas volunteer work (or work for a token payment) for an approved charity, you can apply to keep your student loan interest-free for up to 24 months.

List of approved charities

Ask for a letter

Ask the charity you’re volunteering for to write a letter to us on their letterhead that includes:

  • your name and IRD number
  • the length of time you'll spend overseas, and the dates you will be volunteering
  • the specific tasks and duties that you’re doing, to show that your volunteer work is to relieve poverty, hunger, sickness, or the impacts of war or a natural disaster, or to improve the economy or raise the educational standards of a country on the OECD list of countries receiving development assistance
  • an estimate of what your gross income (if any) will be for the work you'll be doing.

Send it to us

Send the letter to us through a message in myIR.

How to send a message in myIR

Log in to myIR

You can also post your letter to us at:

Inland Revenue
PO Box 39010
Wellington Mail Centre
Lower Hutt 5045

What happens next

We’ll send you a letter saying if we’ve granted the application, and if so, the period we’ve granted it for.

Last updated: 15 Nov 2022
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