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If you're going overseas and would like to know how to finalise your tax position, you can find this in our section about international tax for individuals leaving New Zealand.

Leaving New Zealand

When leaving New Zealand, there are other programmes that you may have to update. These have timeframes different to your tax obligations and you'll need to keep in mind when they change.

Student loans

While living in New Zealand long-term, your student loan is interest free. Once you leave the country for around 5 out of 6 months, you'll generally be charged interest, starting from the day after you first left.

I am going overseas

You may want to set up a nominated person before you leave New Zealand. They'll be able to talk to us about your loan while you're overseas.

Let someone act on your behalf


How you manage your KiwiSaver when moving overseas will depend on where you're moving, how long you're moving for, and what you want to do with your funds.

Getting my KiwiSaver funds when I move overseas

Working for Families

If you receive Working for Families tax credits and are planning on moving overseas for any period of time, you need to let us know as these payments might be affected.

Update my Working for Families details 

Child support

New Zealand and Australia have a reciprocal agreement on child support. This means that child support customers living in either country can make and receive payments administered by either government. The country of the receiving carer will administer the case.

If you're a receiving carer moving to Australia, you'll need to contact the Services Australia to make a new assessment. You'll have to let us know you're leaving so we can cancel your payments and you can start receiving entitlements in Australia.

If you pay child support and you're moving to Australia, your case will still be administered by us. You need to update your details when you move so that you can continue paying your child support. If your income changes when you move, you'll need to let us know as well.

If you move to a country other than Australia, your child support will still be managed through us. You'll need to update your details when you move so we can continue administering your child support correctly.

Update my child support details

Last updated: 02 Apr 2024
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