Student loans Dates
APR 1Overseas-based student loan repayment due if you do not have a temporary repayment suspension.
APR 1We add an administration fee to student loans to help pay for some of the ongoing costs of administering the loan
APR 7End-of-year student loan repayments are due if you have a tax agent with a valid extension of time.
If you earn any income other than salary and wages, you may need to make your own student loan repayments. The amount of your repayments depends on your salary and wage income plus any adjusted net income.
The amount you have to pay to your student loan each year is 12% of every dollar you earn over the repayment threshold. The annual repayment threshold is:
- $24,128 for the 2026 tax year (1 April 2025 to 31 March 2026)
- $24,128 for the 2025 tax year (1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025).
Adjusted net income
Adjusted net income is any income you earn that is not salary or wages, minus any expenses. Losses are not included in your adjusted net income.
Adjusted net income includes income from:
- self-employment and contracting work
- withholding tax income
- trust income
- interest, dividends and Māori authority distributions
- shareholder salary
- casual agricultural and election day work
- rental properties
- overseas income and investments
- partnership income
- directors' salary
- selling property - if the sale is considered taxable.
If you have any of the above income sources, you will need to file an income tax return at the end of the tax year.
Adjusted net income also includes other sources of income that may not need to be declared on an income tax return.
You'll need to file an Adjust your income - IR215 form if you receive any of these other sources of income.
Adjust your income for Working for Families and student loans
End-of-year repayment obligation on adjusted net income
If you have adjusted net income, you will have an end-of-year repayment obligation if your adjusted net income:
- is $500 or more
- plus any salary and wage income is over the annual repayment threshold.
Work out when you'll pay off your student loan
Use our student loan repayment calculator if you want to see how long it will take to pay off your loan.