Student loans help New Zealanders pay for their studies and living costs while they are studying. You can apply for a student loan through StudyLink.
If you have a loan, you have to start repaying what you've borrowed if you live overseas or earn over $24,128.
You will also need to pay an annual administration fee of $40 as well as any interest and penalties that are added to your loan.
Tracking my student loan balance
Find out how you can keep track of your student loan balance, what options are available if you're finding it hard to make repayments, what interest and fees are charged on your loan and how to get the most out of your student loan statement.
Living in New Zealand with a student loan
Find out what your student loan repayments will be, how you'll make repayments to your loan, what happens when you pay your loan off, and how to get a new loan if you want to study again when you live in New Zealand.
Living overseas with a student loan
Find out what your student loan repayments will be, how you'll make repayments to your loan and what happens when you pay your loan off when you live overseas.
Going overseas or returning to New Zealand
Your student loan payments may change when you move overseas or return to New Zealand after being away.
Student loan repayment calculator
Check what your student loan repayments will be and how long it'll take to pay off your loan using our repayment calculator. You can even include 'extra payments' to see what effect they'll have.
My student loan rights and responsibilities
Learn what your rights and responsibilities are when you have a student loan.
Student loans Dates
APR 1Overseas-based student loan repayment due if you do not have a temporary repayment suspension.
APR 1We add an administration fee to student loans to help pay for some of the ongoing costs of administering the loan
APR 7End-of-year student loan repayments are due if you have a tax agent with a valid extension of time.