The needs and wellbeing of all New Zealanders have been at the heart of what we've done this year.
We supported our customers through the pandemic, and protected the integrity of the tax system by supporting the generally positive attitudes people have about paying tax. This has helped to ensure our country is positioned as well as it can be to deal with the ongoing impacts of COVID-19 and that New Zealanders can prosper.
We use all our tools and capability to ensure people pay and receive the right amounts from the start. Our compliance approach covers everything from policy settings, the design of products and services, advice and education, through to investigations and litigation.
Our transformation is coming to a close - it has enabled us to work differently and more effectively to benefit New Zealanders.
We work to keep ensuring New Zealanders believe the following.
- When I pay my tax, I’m doing a good thing (and that’s what people like me do).
- When I’m trying to do the right things, Inland Revenue will help me.
- When someone else is trying to do the wrong thing, Inland Revenue will find them.
Kua haere tonu ā mātou huringa mahi, e māmā ake ai te mahi taake me ngā utunga tika mā ō mātou kiritaki mai i te tīmatanga, ā, kia uaua hoki ki te mahi hē.
Ka tautoko tēnei i te whakapono o ngā tāngata o Aotearoa kia tika ai te utu a te katoa, kia whiwhi ai te tika ki te katoa, kia rapua ai hoki te hunga kāore i te mahi tika.
We have continued to deliver changes to make it easier for customers to get their tax and payments right from the start and hard to get it wrong.
This supports New Zealanders' confidence that everyone pays their fair share, gets what they're entitled to, and that we find people who do not do the right thing.
We’ve supported New Zealanders through extraordinary times
As COVID-19 continued to significantly impact the world, we’ve helped New Zealanders, their families, whānau and businesses survive and stay compliant with their tax obligations.
Digital services are streamlining our customers’ experiences
A digital revenue system means our customers can take care of their tax, and any social policy payments they’re entitled to, in a way and at a time that works for them.
We help customers to pay and receive the right amounts through the year
We worked to get the assessments out faster than in previous years to give customers certainty faster—especially families.
We’ve stayed focused on making it easy for people to get their tax right
The digital revenue system has changed the way we approach compliance. We’ve moved the focus from the end of the process to the beginning.
Preventing errors and fraud upfront
Our people and systems do much of the upfront work to help customers get it right. We’re carrying out exponentially more checks automatically than we could in the past using the old manual processes.
We’ve helped customers file and pay on time and managed debt proactively
If people could not pay on time we supported them to file their returns and assisted them in making arrangements to pay.
We investigated and enforced when necessary
We fully resumed all our compliance activities in December, while taking into account that not all customers or businesses are going through the same experience.
We protect the integrity and fairness of the tax and social policy systems
We look ahead and at trends from overseas, and adapt and improve our approach so that the tax and social policies we‘re responsible for meet the needs of all.
We’re working differently
Over the past few years, we have changed pretty much everything we do to deliver better experiences for New Zealanders.
Changing to be fit for the future
To deliver the best services for our customers, we have continued to invest in our people to develop their knowledge and skills.
The wellbeing and experience of our people at work is critical to our success
This year, we’ve continued to look after our people and promote a diverse and inclusive workplace through a range of initiatives.
Weaving te Tiriti and te ao Māori into everything we do
The approach we take to meet our Tiriti o Waitangi obligations is called Māhutonga, a programme that weaves te Tiriti o Waitangi and te ao Māori principles, concepts and practices into everything we do.
Offering agile, collaborative workplaces and driving for better social and environmental outcomes
We are developing a workplace strategy as part of continuing to transform how we work. Whilst we remain a largely office-based organisation, working flexibly has been part of our ways of working for some time.