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We measure our performance against output measures and targets in The Estimates of Appropriations for the Government of New Zealand for the Year Ending 30 June 2022. Full details are on the Treasury's website.

Vote Revenue - Finance and Government Administration Sector - Estimates 2021/22

Inland Revenue has 4 appropriations to provide services to the Government and the public:

  • Policy advice
  • Services for customers (a multi-category appropriation)
  • Services to other agencies
  • Transformation (a multi-year appropriation).

Our performance against our services: a summary

This year, we achieved 30 out of 42, or 71%, of our output performance measures. This is a drop from 2020–21, when we achieved 37 out of 44, or 84%, of our output measures.

We have continued to focus on supporting our customers through the COVID-19 pandemic this year, while also upholding the integrity of the tax and social policy system.

Providing COVID-19 support to customers has meant we've been operating under pressure. This has resulted in us being unable to consistently provide our customers with the level of service we would like.

Output performance measures achieved versus total number of measures.
Output performance measure Number acheived Total measures
Policy advice 2 2
Services for customers 26 38
Services to other agencies 1 1
Transformation 1 1

In this section, we've explained the output performance measures that we did not achieve and those that we exceeded by more than 15%.

None of the target and forecast figures in the 'Policy advice', 'Services for customers', 'Services to other agencies', and 'Transformation' sections below are subject to audit.

Last updated: 22 Sep 2022
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