All current KiwiSaver data, including monthly data, is available in an Excel download located on the Datasets for KiwiSaver statistics page. Annual data is due to be uploaded by 30 September.
Datasets for KiwiSaver statisticsPayments to scheme providers, by category, as at 30 June
This graph shows the payments made to scheme providers, by category, as at 30 June 2024.
At the end of the 2024 financial year:
- $10.5 billion has been paid to scheme providers, up from $4.1 billion in June 2014
- $6.1 billion represents employee deductions, up from $2.1 billion in June 2014
- $3.3 billion represents employer contributions, up from $1.3 billion in June 2014
- $39 million represents voluntary contributions, up from $31 million in June 2014
- $2.7 million represents IR interest paid, down from $7.2 million in June 2014
- $1.0 billion represents government contribution, up from $737 million in June 2014.
- Figures are gross and do not include payments refunded by providers to Inland Revenue.
- Figures do not include KiwiSaver contributions held by Inland Revenue.
- Government contribution figures represent all government contributions paid to KiwiSaver providers. Figures exclude government contributions paid to complying funds.
- The voluntary contributions include only those made through IR, and do not include payments made directly to providers.
Payments to scheme providers by source as at 30 June
This graph shows the total amount of member and employer contributions made through Inland Revenue against the total amount of Crown contributions paid to scheme providers during each financial year.
In the 2024 financial year:
- $9.5 billion member and employer contributions were paid to scheme providers, up from $3.4 billion in the 2014 financial year
- $1.0 billion crown contributions were paid to scheme providers, up from $737 million in the 2014 financial year.
- Figures are gross and do not include payments refunded by providers to Inland Revenue.
- Figures also do not include KiwiSaver contributions held by Inland Revenue.
- Government contribution figures represent all government contributions paid to KiwiSaver providers. Figures exclude government contributions paid to complying funds.
- Voluntary contributions include only those made through Inland Revenue, and exclude payments made directly to providers.
Funds transferred to scheme providers as at 30 June
Payment category | 21/22 ($m) | 22/23 ($m) | 23/24 ($m) | Total (08/24) ($m) |
Employee deductions | $5,107 | $5,642 | $6,074 | $49,198 |
Employer contributions | $2,822 | $3,136 | $3,349 | $28,330 |
Voluntary contributions | $54 | $35 | $39 | $577 |
Total member | $7,982 | $8,812 | $9,463 | $78,105 |
Govt voluntary contribution | $918 | $970 | $1,006 | $11,399 |
Fee subsidy | $0 | $0 | $0 | $58 |
Kick-start | $0 | $0 | $0 | $2,673 |
Interest | $0 | $1 | $3 | $97 |
Total Crown | $918 | $971 | $1,009 | $14,227 |
Grand Total | $8,901 | $9,783 | $10,472 | $92,331 |
- Figures are gross and do not include payments refunded by providers to Inland Revenue.
- Figures do not include KiwiSaver contributions held by Inland Revenue.
- Government contribution figures represent all government contributions paid to KiwiSaver providers. Figures exclude government contributions paid to complying funds.
- The voluntary contributions include only those made through IR, and do not include payments made directly to providers.
Number of KiwiSaver members by contribution rate, as at 30 June
Contribution rate | Jun-22 | June-23 | June-24 |
3% | 1,069,820 | 1,160,363 | 1,169,537 |
4% | 337,206 | 329,993 | 315,833 |
6% | 93,165 | 107,086 | 116,521 |
8% | 130,569 | 117,485 | 107,929 |
10% | 87,762 | 92,053 | 98,378 |
No contribution | 1,485,829 | 1,493,413 | 1,551,845 |
- From 1 April 2019, the minimum employee contribution rate is 3% (this is also the default rate) of their gross salary or wages. Members can also opt for the 4%, 6%, 8% or 10% rate.
- The contribution rate is calculated from each member's final payday in that month. If the member did not contribute using PAYE in that month they will appear as 'no contribution' in this table, even if they contributed in other months or outside of the PAYE system.
- Members with a 'no contribution' rate include those under 18 or over 65, on a savings suspension, self-employed, not in paid work, or earning income that cannot have deductions taken, for example, schedular payments.
Total contributions to KiwiSaver through Inland Revenue, or scheme provider, as at 30 June
Jun-22 | Jun-23 | Jun-24 | |
Total members | 3,249,653 | 3,353,164 | 3,447,256 |
Made a contribution | 2,243,128 | 2,349,936 | 2,354,052 |
% | 69% | 70% | 68% |
No contribution | 1,006,525 | 1,003,228 | 1,093,204 |
% | 31% | 30% | 32% |
- 'Total members’ represents individuals who were KiwiSaver members at any time during the financial year.
- Information on those who contribute directly to scheme providers is only held by Inland Revenue, if advised by scheme providers as part of a claim for the government voluntary contribution
- Within the no contribution category there are members who are:
- Children (under 18 and therefore may not be earning)
- Not in work (including retirees)
- On a savings suspension
- Receiving accident compensation, benefit, or paid parental leave which are not subject to compulsory deductions
- Deceased and the account is not yet closed
- Currently overseas
- Contributing to other work-based savings schemes
Last updated:
30 Sep 2024