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All current KiwiSaver data, including monthly data, is available in Excel downloads located on the Datasets for KiwiSaver statistics page. Annual data is due to be uploaded by 30 September.

Datasets for KiwiSaver statistics

Number of KiwiSaver members, by annual income as at 30 June

This graph shows the number of active/provisional KiwiSaver members, by annual income as at 30 June.

This graph has 11 stacked vertical bars. The income brackets in the graph include income details for each tax year before each financial year. The vertical axis shows the number of members. The horizontal axis represents financial years 2013 to 2023. Members with no income are not included. 

This graph has 11 stacked vertical bars. The income brackets in the graph include income details for each tax year before each financial year. The vertical axis shows the number of members. The horizontal axis represents financial years 2013 to 2023. Members with no income are not included.

Between June 2013 and June 2023, the number of members who earned:

  • between $1 to $20,000 increased from 559,070 to 1.1 million
  • Between $20,001 to $40,000 increased from 442,815 to 518,210
  • between $40,001 to $60,000 increased from 342,229 to 563,450
  • between $60,001 to $80,000 increased from 170,521 to 455,199
  • between $80,001 to $100,000 increased from 69,800 to 259,298
  • between $100,001 to $120,000 increased from 32,896 to 137,603
  • more than $120,000 increased from 55,723 to 238,334.

Income of members and eligible population as at 30 June

This graph shows the income of KiwiSaver members and eligible population as at 30 June.

This graph has two lines tracking KiwiSaver members, and the eligible population. The vertical axis shows the percentage of total population. The horizontal axis shows the income bands from $1 through to $120,000+.

This graph has two lines, tracking KiwiSaver members and the eligible population. The vertical axis shows the percentage of total population. The horizontal axis shows the income bands from $1 through to $120,000+.


  • It includes all members as at 30 June 2023 with income for the 2022 tax year. Members with no income for the year are not included.
  • Eligible population are those who are eligible to join KiwiSaver, regardless of whether they have joined.
  • KiwiSaver membership numbers include people who have joined KiwiSaver and then moved overseas, and members who have died but their account is still open.
  • Eligibility is indicative as Inland Revenue doesn’t hold all the information necessary to determine eligibility. See data download for more details.

Income of members, eligible population and opt-out population as at 30 June

This graph shows the income of KiwiSaver members and eligible population and opt-out population as at 30 June.

This graph shows KiwiSaver members as of 30 June 2023 with income for the 2022 tax year. Members with no income for the year are not included. All other members are included. The eligible population are those who are eligible to join KiwiSaver, regardless of whether they have joined.

This graph has three lines tracking KiwiSaver members, the eligible population, and opt-outs. The vertical axis shows the percentage of total population. The horizontal axis shows the income bands from $1 through to $120,000+.


  • All members as at 30 June 2023 with income for the 2022 tax year, members with no income for the year are not included.
  • Eligible population are those who are eligible to join KiwiSaver, regardless of whether they have joined.
  • KiwiSaver membership numbers include people who have joined KiwiSaver and have since moved overseas, and members who are deceased but their account is still open.
  • Eligibility is indicative as Inland Revenue doesn’t hold all the information necessary to determine eligibility. See data download for more details.

Income of individuals with a current opt-out status as at 30 June

This table shows all individuals who opted out as at 30 June 2023 with income for the 2022 tax year.
Income (2022 tax year) Percentage
$1 - $10,000 17.58%
$10,001 - $20,000 13.54%
$20,001 - $30,000 15.82%
$30,001 - $40,000 6.83%
$40,001 - $50,000 7.49%
$50,001 - $60,000 7.40%
$60,001 - $70,000 6.96%
$70,001 - $80,0000 5.30%
$80,001 - $90,0000 3.98%
$90,001 - $100,0000 2.96%
$100,001- $110,000 2.20%
$110,001 - $120,000 1.65%
$120,000+ 8.30%
Total 100.00%


  • This includes individuals who have a status of 'opt-out' as at 30 June 2023 with income for the 2022 tax year.
  • Individuals with no income for the year are not included.
Last updated: 29 Sep 2023
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