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All current KiwiSaver data, including monthly data, is available in Excel downloads located on the Datasets for KiwiSaver statistics page. Annual data is due to be uploaded by 30 September.

Information on the number of scheme transfers by month for the financial year is available in the KiwiSaver annual Excel download.

Datasets for KiwiSaver statistics

Number of scheme transfers as at 30 June

This graph shows the number of scheme transfers as at 30 June.

This graph shows 1 line, plotting the number of scheme transfers from the 2013 financial year to 2023 financial year. The vertical axis of this graph shows the number of scheme transfers per financial year.

This graph shows 1 line, plotting the number of scheme transfers from the 2013 financial year to 2023 financial year. The vertical axis of this graph shows the number of scheme transfers per financial year.


  • Figures do not include transfers within the provisional period.
  • Figures only represent transfers within KiwiSaver schemes, transfers within complying funds are excluded.
  • Figures exclude transfers as a result of scheme mergers.
  • From April 2020 KiwiSaver information is reported from a new system.

The number of scheme transfers decreased, from 126,728 in the 2013 financial year to 121,430 in the 2023 financial year.


  • The 2022 financial year shows a large number of transfers due to the outcomes of the default provider review that took place in December 2021. 

Speed of employer fund transfer

This graph shows the speed of employer fund transfers for the 2022-2023 financial years.

This graph has 4 sections showing the speed of employer transfers broken down by same day, 1 day, 2 days, 3+ days. Same day sits at 96%

This graph has 4 sections showing the speed of employer transfers broken down. This is by same day, 1 day, 2 days and 3+ days.  


  • Data excludes members in the 2-month provisional (holding) period.
  • The system used to administer KiwiSaver changed in April 2020.
  • For a month-to-month comparison, please refer to the annual Excel download located on the Datasets for KiwiSaver statistics page. 

Speed of employee fund transfer

This graph shows the speed of employee fund transfers for the 2022-23 financial year.

This graph has 4 sections showing the speed of employee transfers broken down by same day, 1 day, 2 days, 3+ days. Same day sits at 96%

This graph has 4 sections showing the speed of employee transfers broken down. This is by same day, 1 day, 2 days and 3+ days.  


  • This data does not include members in the 2-month provisional (holding) period.
  • The system used to administer KiwiSaver changed in April 2020.
  • For a month-to-month comparison, please refer to the annual Excel download located on the Datasets for KiwiSaver statistics page. 
Last updated: 29 Sep 2023
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