Income tax Dates
If you’ve saved a draft receipt for donation tax credits in myIR, you’ll need to submit it before we can work out your tax credit.
We only keep draft donation receipts for 50 days. If you started your submission more than 50 days ago, you'll need to start again.
Before you begin
Check that the organisation you donated to is on our approved list and that your receipt meets all the requirements.
In myIR, select your donation tax credit account
Select the 'Submitted' tab
Select the 'Donation tax credit receipts' link under 'Saved drafts'
Select 'Edit submission'
Finish the submission
You can complete your submission from where you saved it last. You can use our instructions for submitting a donation receipt for more guidance.
Log in to myIR
What happens next
We will contact you if we need any more information.
Our current processing times are available on our website. It may take longer to process your credit if we need more information from you, if your income tax return is being processed or if your claim is chosen for further review.