Te whiwhi i taku pūtea KiwiSaver mō tōku kāinga tuatahi
Getting my KiwiSaver savings for my first home
Talk to your KiwiSaver provider and Kāinga Ora - Homes and Communities about buying your first home.
You must be in KiwiSaver for at least 3 years before you withdraw funds for your first home.
You can withdraw:
- your contributions
- your employer's contributions
- the government contribution
- interest you have earned
- fee subsidies (if you got these).
You must leave $1,000 in your account. Funds transferred from an Australian Complying Superannuation scheme cannot be withdrawn.
Kāinga Ora - Homes and Communities KiwiSaver first-home withdrawal webpage
Use myIR to get proof of your income and KiwiSaver deductions
You can use myIR to create a PDF document of your income and KiwiSaver deductions to support your application through Kāinga Ora.
You can then either print it out or save it.