Te whiwhi i taku pūtea KiwiSaver ko te poharatanga te take
Getting my KiwiSaver savings for significant financial hardship
Contact your scheme provider for the correct form to complete to make a hardship withdrawal. You only need to apply to us if you're within the first 2 months of your KiwiSaver membership.
To withdraw savings you will need to provide evidence you are suffering significant financial hardship.
If your application is accepted you can only withdraw your and your employer’s contributions.
Significant financial hardship includes when you:
- cannot meet minimum living expenses
- cannot pay the mortgage on the home you live in, and your mortgage provider is seeking to enforce the mortgage
- need to modify your home to meet your special needs or those of a dependent family member
- need to pay for medical treatment for yourself or a dependent family member
- have a serious illness
- need to pay funeral costs of a dependent family member.
- palliative care for a member or member’s dependant.
Stopping KiwiSaver deductions
If you want to stop any further contributions being made from your salary or wages, you must apply for a savings suspension. You can apply for a savings suspension within the first 12 months if you’re experiencing, or likely to experience, financial hardship.
After your first 12 months of membership you can apply for a savings suspension regardless of your financial situation.