Te whakamahi i te moko KiwiSaver
Using the KiwiSaver trademark
We own the trade mark registrations for the word 'KiwiSaver' and the KiwiSaver logo. We give licences for their use to scheme providers or others.
The requirements for their use are in place to make sure the public are not confused, misled or deceived and their use maintains the integrity of the KiwiSaver brand.
Using the trade mark if you're a scheme provider
The scheme provider agreement (SPA) contains a licence agreement. Once the agreement has been signed, you’re registered to use the KiwiSaver trade marks in New Zealand.
When you have your licence, you’ll need to follow the requirements for their use.
The requirements let you know how you must use the:
- word ‘KiwiSaver’
- KiwiSaver logo, its colours and the typeface.
Using the trade marks if you're not a scheme provider
You do not have to register as a scheme provider to get a licence to use the KiwiSaver trade marks.
If you want to use the trade marks, your organisation must apply for a licence by contacting us.
Before we approve your licence application we'll want to review how you’ll use the trade marks in either your marketing material or website.
As a licenced KiwiSaver trade marks user, you must follow the guidance on their use in the KiwiSaver trade mark requirements.
Using the trade mark if you're a media organisation
Our Media guidelines will help you understand how you should use the KiwiSaver trade marks if you're a media organisation.
If media have any queries about your use of the trade marks, the guidelines or the images in specific media outlets, please contact us.