You can make a credit or debit card payment to us 24/7 by calling our self-service phoneline. We accept Visa and Mastercard.
Payments using a credit or debit card will incur a 1.42% convenience fee.
You will need your IRD number and payment details (tax type, period and amount).
You do not need the period if you’re making a payment for:
- ARR - arrangements
- KSS - KiwiSaver voluntary contributions
- LGL - legal decisions
- NCP - child support liable parents
- RUL - rulings and determinations
- SBC - small business cash loans
- FTR - fees for New Zealand foreign trusts.
Before you can use our self-service phoneline you'll need to register for the voice ID service.
If you do not want to register for voice ID you can still pay us by phone, but call our contact call centre for an initial set up.
Pay by self-service phoneline
To make a payment:
1. Call our self-service phoneline (0800 257 777).
2. Enter your IRD number.
3. If you are a:
- salary and/or wage earner, press '1' (salary and wages) then '5' (credit/debit card payment)
- self-employed individual or non-individual, press '2' (business enquiries) then '4' (credit/debit card payment).