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Gisborne office temporarily closed | Our Gisborne office will be closed from 12pm 14 February 2025 until 10.30am 26 February 2025. For anything urgent, you can call our contact centre.

Anyone who wants to pay us online.
Your payment due date.

Internet banking payments

You can pay using your bank’s website or app for internet banking.

When you make direct credit payments, we recommend using the pay tax function provided by most New Zealand banks. (There is no fee for this service.)

You do not need to put the time period in the payee code if you’re making a payment for:

  • ARR - arrangements
  • COL - cost of living payment
  • KSS - KiwiSaver voluntary contributions
  • LGL - legal decisions
  • NCP - child support liable parents
  • RUL - rulings and determinations
  • SBC - small business cash loans
  • FTR - fees for New Zealand foreign trusts.

Use the following details when making a direct credit payment to us.

Detail What to include 
Particulars Your IRD number. If you have an 8-digit IRD number, put a 0 at the beginning.
Payee code

Account and (space) time period (DDMMYYYY). For example:

  • INC 31032016
Reference Leave blank.

Our bank account

If you need it, our bank account number is:
Inland Revenue Department 

Credit and debit card payments in myIR

You can make payments to us with credit and debit cards. We accept Visa and Mastercard.

You can only make card payments towards an account balance.

The bank charges a convenience fee of 1.42% for any credit or debit card payment made to us. Convenience fees are charged and paid directly to the bank and will show as a separate transaction on your bank statement. 

Pay using a credit or debit card in myIR

Please note: We have changed our third-party card payment processor to Worldline and you may notice some minor changes when you make a payment.

Direct debit payments

If you're using myIR, you can:

  • save direct debit details with us
  • make one-off direct debit payments
  • authorise multiple direct debit payments and setup an instalment arrangement as well if paying off debt.

To get set up, you'll first need to create a direct debit agreement with Inland Revenue. You only need to do this once. This tells us which bank account you'll be using for direct debit payments.

Set up a direct debit agreement with us

Next, you'll be able to make direct debit payments for your accounts with us. You specify and approve each payment that you set up. You can choose between making a single, one-off payment or multiple, ongoing payments.

Make a one-off direct debit payment

Make ongoing direct debit payments

If you do not have an amount to pay, you will not get the direct debit payment option. If there is an amount to pay, you'll be able to pay the full or partial amount by direct debit.

Automatic payments

You can pay off outstanding tax by making payments for a regular amount for a fixed frequency.

You can set this up using:

  • your bank’s online services
  • an automatic payment authority form to give to your bank.
Last updated: 13 Feb 2025
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