A portfolio investment entity’s (PIE) registration can be cancelled if it stops meeting the requirements to be a PIE. It can also choose to deregister.
Immediate cancellation
Your PIE registration is cancelled immediately if the PIE:
- stops being a New Zealand tax resident
- breaches the collective scheme requirement
- breaches the investor rights to proceeds requirement.
Possible cancellation
Your PIE registration may also be cancelled if the PIE:
- temporarily breaches an eligibility rule that is not listed above and does not fix it within the required timeframe
- is closing down
- is opting out or deregistering as a PIE
- should not have been registered as a PIE.
Deregistration may also be required if:
- a proxy for PIE investors (custodian) who was managing your investors becomes a full PIE itself
- you no longer have the minimum number of investors needed to be a PIE.
Income tax
You may still need to pay income tax after registration has ended, unless the PIE is closing down.
If you're unsure, contact our Significant Enterprises team on 0800 443 553.
How to cancel
You can cancel your registration as a PIE by completing the online form in myIR.