Student loans Dates
FEB 7End-of-year student loan repayments are due. If you have an amount to pay, you'll have received a letter or text message from us.
APR 1Overseas-based student loan repayment due if you do not have a temporary repayment suspension.
APR 1We add an administration fee to student loans to help pay for some of the ongoing costs of administering the loan
If you're overseas and you pay within 30 days of getting your student loan statement, we will cancel any interest charged in those 30 days, so you can be confident that you’ve paid your loan balance in full.
If you're overseas-based, return to New Zealand and pay off your student loan before it becomes interest free, you may be entitled to an interest refund from the date you arrived. Once you've been back in New Zealand for 6 months (183 days), please send us a secure email in myIR to request this refund.
Once the loan is paid off, we will confirm to you that student loan repayments are no longer required.
Any overpayments of your loan will be either repaid to you or the overpayment settings you’ve set in your myIR account applied. If you're close to paying off your loan, make sure your bank account details are up to date in myIR.
Use our student loan repayment calculator if you want to see how long it will take to pay off your loan.