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Planned system outage | Our online services (including myIR and submitting information using software providers) will be unavailable from 6pm Friday 14 to approximately 4pm Sunday 16 March while we complete some system upgrades. The outage will not affect any saved drafts or web requests in myIR, our website, general tools and calculators. We apologise for any inconvenience this causes.</

ACC earners’ levies now set for 2026, 2027 and 2028 years | ACC earners’ levies have been set for the 2025-26, 2026-27 and 2027-28 tax years. Find out more: ACC earners levy rates

Hamilton (Home Straight) public counter is temporarily closed | Our Hamilton Public Counter will be closed from Monday 3 March 2025 and re-opens on Monday 17 March 2025. For anything urgent, you can call our contact centre.

We know that most people believe that paying the correct amount of tax is the right thing to do. We also know that when times get tough, some people have real difficulties in paying.

Incomes and personal situations change, living costs go up, natural disasters happen, we know it can sometimes be difficult to manage all your responsibilities. We always check the right tax codes are being used. If we notice you’re paying too much tax, we’ll get you to change your tax code to have more money each pay when you need it. You may even be able to get the independent earner tax credit depending on your income. With regular employment information being sent to us we’re also able to make sure you’re getting the right Working for Families and make any changes your entitlement much faster. If paying your student loan is too much for a period of time, we may be able to reduce what you have to pay. And you can also apply for a savings break from your KiwiSaver contributions is you need it.

We do not want you to feel bad about not being able to pay your taxes on time during difficulties. Please get in touch with us. We cannot help if we do not know you're struggling. We've made it easy for you to apply to pay off any debt over time or take a savings break. You should feel good about reaching out as we want to help you, and, you're still meeting your tax obligations.

From the start of New Zealand’s response to the COVID-19 crisis we've been saying that we’re here to help.

To help during this time we made getting the right entitlements and refunds out a top priority for us. We increased the staff in these areas and used our data to process returns quicker. We're also writing off penalties and interest for customers affected by COVID-19.

Last updated: 07 Apr 2021
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